Stillness & The Space Between
Since I founded The Space Between Center for Creative Spirit in Business earlier this month, I’ve received a lot of questions asking about the thought behind the name. There’s a lot of thought behind the name, that’s for sure. I started working on the concept way back in early 2008. Much of the following essay […]
The Red Pill: A whirlwind tour through Western Esoteric Symbology
Twitter Background Image by Request
I was asked to post my background image. Here you go. You can find out more about the symbology here:
Queen of Wands
I’ve been trying to work through some issues with giving and receiving lately. It seems I “give” so much, that I’ve been flooding the spiritual conduit and blocking the “receive.” This can also be seen as an imbalance in my male/female or ying/yang energies. I’m out of balance on the male side, always have been. […]