
A discussion about things of the spiritual nature.

Secret #2: You have the power to Create.

Secret #2: You have the power to Create. First published for public audiences in 1912, The Kybalion is the most powerful (yet one of the shortest and most accessible – see my book recommendation widget at the right of this page) book of creative principles and esoteric knowledge I’ve ever read. And, I’ve read hundreds […]

Secret #1: We are here to create.

Secret #1: We are here to create. Life is about allowing creation to flow from the field of spirit into physical existence. Some people call this the “quantum field,” or the “zero point field,” others call that field of spirit the “Tao,” “the Great Architect of the Universe,” or simply “God.” To do this one […]

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  • About Kevin

    Kevin Houchin

    Kevin E. Houchin is an attorney, artist, teacher, author, and principal of Houchin Consulting, PLLC, a copyright, trademark, arts & entertainment, business development, and branding firm located in Scottsdale, Arizona.
    To schedule Kevin for keynote speeches, workshops, or seminars, call 970.231.2426 or email

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