
A discussion about things of the spiritual nature.


Polarity Polarity is the control system for vibration in the universe beyond the range of our five senses. The principle states: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree (vibration); extremes meet; all truths are but […]


Vibration The Kybalion states that “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” Remember this saying long predates our current understanding of atomic theory and resonates perfectly with the developing “string” theory in physics. Think of vibration as the communication system between the planes of correspondence-the language understood on all planes. The principle states that not only […]

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  • About Kevin

    Kevin Houchin

    Kevin E. Houchin is an attorney, artist, teacher, author, and principal of Houchin Consulting, PLLC, a copyright, trademark, arts & entertainment, business development, and branding firm located in Scottsdale, Arizona.
    To schedule Kevin for keynote speeches, workshops, or seminars, call 970.231.2426 or email

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