Secret #3: Creativity is not just about action.
Secret #3: Creativity is not just about action. History shows humans are always creating. My wife and I have 3 wonderful children. My wife is a labor Doula (birth coach) and is currently studying to be a Midwife, so between my own children, and the stories of the many labors at which my wife has […]
Why Spiritcurve?
Why Understand? A lot of Christians are Christian “by default” or “by habit.” We were taken to church as children. Some of us fell away during young adulthood. Some returned to church after a while for various reasons. Many refused to participate again due to core questions of doctrine or lack of understanding. Many of […]
Why Creative Business?
I just got back from a short hike with Tobin and Merrick (5 and 3). I took along Deepak Chopra’s little book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (you can find that in my Amazon widget at the right) and within a few minutes was inspired to write a few lines… I’m calling this a […]