Posted on | November 19, 2008 | No Comments
Polarity is the control system for vibration in the universe beyond the range of our five senses. The principle states:
“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree (vibration); extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”
Understanding this principle is a little tricky; or at least it was for me. The effort is worth it. This has the potential to be an “ah ha” moment in your life, as it was for mine, because it may completely redefine your conceptualization and visualization of life balance.
Polarity requires balance between related concepts, instead of trying to balance unrelated concepts. For example, for years I thought I needed to balance my “family” against my “career” against my “spirit” against my “health,” etc. It was multi-variable calculus, and I never could find the appropriate dynamic state of balance. Something always seemed “off.” Then I read about the principle of polarity and a light bulb switched on in my head. I was placing the wrong things at the poles of my balance control lever.
Think of a throttle control lever on a big airplane. At the bottom is “low” or “no” speed (vibration), and at the top is “high” speed (vibration). One lever controls one thing – fuel to the engine. This one lever is not trying to control or balance more than one thing.
Likewise, in balancing my life, I needed to visualize the control panel as throttles. Rather than having “career” at one end of a pole and “family” at the other end of the same pole, each area of my life needs a SEPARATE throttle, with a high and low for “career” on one mental throttle, another labeled “family,” another labeled “health”, “spirit,” etc.
Now I can visualize each control panel with the throttles pushed to their highest levels – their highest level of vibration – on every plane of correspondence. Now, when something feels less than optimal, I know that I’ve mentally let the throttle slide toward a lower state of vibration, and I can mentally visualize pushing that throttle to the hilt and mentally increase the energy and vibration I direct toward that area of my life – WITHOUT letting the other throttle levers slide out of their top positions. Another way of thinking about each lever on the control panel is to equate each position to the level of your positive or negative attitude toward that area of your life now. Raise your attitude to raise your altitude. Raise your mental lever to change your vibration. It’s no longer a trade-off between family and career. There is plenty of mental fuel. You don’t have to rob energy from one pole to give to another. You just have to pay attention to each, and label them correctly.
Tags: balance > polarity > vibration